Cultural Healing

Men’s Feather Circle

Native American tribes utilize the men’s circle for health and healing. Clients will be taught how to surrender and focus on their soul wounds to create a meaningful relationship with themselves and others.

Clients will be taught about the Four Directions, as well as Father Sky, Mother Earth, and Spirit Tree—all of which symbolize dimensions of health and the cycles of life to bring some degree of healing to the mind, the heart, the body, or the spirit.

Clients will be guided to focus on continuous patterns of life and death, the path of the sun and moon, the shape of a family home, the shape of the drum, and other significant pieces of Native American culture to help with interdependence and confidence. 

These services are offered to military veterans.

Men’s Sweat Lodge Ceremony

Sweat lodge ceremonies are offered to cleanse and heal the mind, body, and spirit.

It symbolizes a return to the womb of Mother Earth.

The purification process helps the vision quest seeker to enter into a state of humility, open heart, and undergo a kind of spiral rebirth.

The ceremony can elicit intense and emotional experiences.

It is important to remain open, curious, and receptive to the intersubjective experiences during the ceremony. 

These services are offered to military veterans.